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Will and Fanny Kirby Jason Logg

© Simon Robson

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Rescue of trapped skin diver - 23rd August 1987

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16th August 2005


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Chairmans Letter
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The letter was presented by the Chairman The Duke of Atholl at the boathouse and reads as follows:

L. Robson (R) & R. Sunley (L) with presentationFrom: The Chairman
Second Coxswain / Mechanic L. Robson and Assistant Mechanic R. Sunley
Flamborough Lifeboat Station

11th December 1987

Dear Mr Robson and Mr Sunley

A report has been received from your Divisional Inspector concerning a service carried out by your lifeboat "The Will and Fanny Kirby" on the 23rd August 1987, when a skin diver, who had been reported missing and was found on a ledge inside a cave at the foot of cliffs, was rescued.

It is noted that a helicopter had attempted a rescue but was unable to get close enough because of the cliffs. Similarly, confused and breaking seas made it impossible for the lifeboat to get close in. A powered inflatable dinghy was requested to help and Second Coxswain / Mechanic L. Robson, together with Assistant Mechanic R. Sunley and Mr. James, the owner, proceeded towards the cliffs. This was a hazardous operation in broken water and amongst rocks with the dinghy being filled frequently with water and at one stage being swept on to a rock ledge and then off again and under the cliffs. However, in spite of this, the skin diver was taken aboard the dinghy and transferred safely to the lifeboat.

On behalf of my Committee I send you the Institution's warm and appreciated thanks for your resourcefulness and skill in manning a strange craft in dangerous waters effecting this difficult rescue.

Yours Sincerely

Duke of Atholl

Picture courtesy and © Les Robson MBE

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Helmsman - Flamborough Lifeboat Station